Jamieson Campbell Poncia
Educator, Editor, and Copywriter
I am a young aspiring educator who is hungry for knowledge and thirsty for coffee. I believe in empowering students to reach their full potential by providing them with fun and engaging resources as well as individualized learning experiences. All learners have within them the ability to succeed, it is our role as educators to provide them with the support and resources that they need.
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to better my community through a career in a field that I love. I was always passionate about reading and writing, as well as organizing community service projects and trying to help those around me reach their own goals. I believe that I can best achieve my goal by pursuing a career in editing, writing, and teaching. I am currently available for any and all of these services, including remote tutoring using multimodal engagement practices and unique, curated approaches, created individually for each client.
Though I am currently contracted to complete a project in conjunction with the Alberta School Boards Association to provide remote learning solutions for use during the pandemic, feel free to contact me with job inquiries. I also look forward to posting my professional portfolio and providing alternative lesson plans for use in remote learning environments during the current pandemic.